Update the base entry on Solaris

After creating base entries, you might need to update the distinguished name (DN) in the repository that uniquely identifies the base entry name. This task applies only to federated repository configurations. This task does not update the base DN entry if you use a stand-alone repository.

In single server environments, you do not have to start or stop the WebSphere_Portal and server1 servers to complete the following steps. In clustered environments, stop all application servers on system, including WebSphere_Portal, then start the nodeagent and dmgr servers before you begin any of the following steps.

To update the base entry:

  1. Edit WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/properties/wkplc.properties

  2. Enter a value under the VMM repository base entry configuration heading to create additional base entries within the LDAP user registry to use when creating realms:



  3. Save changes to wkplc.properties.

  4. Run the ./ConfigEngine.sh wp-update-base-entry -DWasPassword=foo task, from the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine, to update a base entry in a repository.

  5. Stop and restart the appropriate servers to propagate the changes.

If you created clustered environment then performed the steps in this task, now run the update-jcr-admin task on the secondary node. See Enable LDAP security after cluster creation for instructions.


Update user registry on Solaris

Related tasks

Start and stop servers, dmgrs, and node agents
Enable LDAP security after cluster creation



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