Update database properties for local migration

If the v6.0.1.x portal installation is configured to use a Member Manager lookaside, database, or database federation repository, modify the appropriate property files in the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/properties directory on the new portal before you run the portal-post-upgrade task to import data.

  1. To determine the repository configuration that the earlier portal installation uses, open the wmm.xml file located in the prev_wp_root/wmm directory where prev_wp_root is the location of the earlier portal installation.

  2. Locate the <repositories> section in wmm.xml.

      If the portal uses a Member Manager lookaside repository, the file defines a lookAsideRepository element. For example:

      	<lookAsideRepository name="wmmDBLookAside"

      If the portal uses a Member Manager database repository, the file defines a databaseRepository element. For example:

      	<databaseRepository name="wmmDB"

      If the portal uses a Member Manager database federation repository, the file defines a federationRepository element. For example:

          <federationRepository name="wmmDBFederation"

  3. If the portal uses a property extension (lookaside) database, verify that la.providerURL in wkplc.properties is set to the correct bootstrap port address and modify the file if needed.


  4. If the earlier portal uses a Member Manager look aside repository, data repository, or database federation repository, complete the steps below on the new portal:

    1. Create a database, set the database information in the wkplc_dbtype.properties file, and update the values for the la.* and federated.db.* parameters in wkplc.properties.

      • For reference, see the topics on creating a property extension database and adding a user registry (for example, Configuring a property extension database on Windows, and Adding a database user registry on Windows). Use the instructions in these topics as a guide only, since for migration, create a single database that both sets of parameters point to. Complete only the steps that explain how to set up a new database, define the DbDriver and DbLibrary parameter values, and update the la.* parameters (as described in the property extension topic) and the federated.db.* parameters (as described in the user registry topic).

      • You must specify the same value for corresponding la and federated.db parameters. For example, use the same value for la.DbType and federated.db.DbType.

      • You may also need to update federated.db.DbSchema, which is located in the Advanced Properties section of wkplc.properties. This parameter defines the VMM Federated DB domain database schema name, and is set, by default, to federate. For example, if you are using DB2®, perform these steps to validate the schema name for the newly created VMM database:

        1. Open a DB2 command window, then type db2 "select * from syscat.schemata" to see the current value for the VMM database schema.

        2. If the schema is undefined, you can specify a new schema name by running the DB2 command db2 create schema federate where federate is the name of schema.

      • For Microsoft™ SQL Server Enterprise Edition, the database name must match the database administrator name.

          To avoid problems that can occur if WebSphere Portal uses either Microsoft SQL Server or DB2 for z/OS and you need to repeat a migration task, back up Virtual Member Manager (VMM) SQL configuration files prior to any migration changes that involve the VMM database. For more information, see technote 1326062, Security and migration tasks that run on WebSphere Virtual Member Manager (VMM) database fail when expected values are not found.

    2. Set the WMM DB parameters in the WmmVmmDBMigration.properties file.

      • Ensure that there are no trailing spaces or tabs in any of the parameter values.

      • When setting migration.wmm.database.driver.path in the WmmVmmDBMigration.properties, file, use the same driver used for the v7.0 lookaside or database repository. The driver specified here should match the driver for database type in wkplc_dbtype.properties. You must also copy the driver that you specify here to the WAS_HOMElib directory.

      • If the portal uses both a Member Manager Lookaside repository and a Member Manager federated repository (or database repository), update the la.* parameters and the federated.db.* parameters to use the same configuration values. You cannot split the locations of the VMM DB tables across database types.


Migrate to the same server

Technote 1326062



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