Update blog and wiki templates after migration
If you migrated from v6.0.x or v6.1.5, manually update the blog and wiki templates after migration.
- Steps when migrating from version 6.0.x.
When you migrate from v6.0.x to v7.0, you need to install the blog and wiki libraries.
- From a command window, change to the $PORTAL_HOME/wp_profile/ConfigEngine, and type the following command:
- Windows: ConfigEngine.bat configure-blog -DWasPassword=wasadminpassword -DPortalAdminPwd=portaladminpassword
- UNIX: ./ConfigEngine.sh configure-blog -DWasPassword=wasadminpassword -DPortalAdminPwd=portaladminpassword
- i: ConfigEngine.sh configure-blog -DWasPassword=wasadminpassword -DPortalAdminPwd=portaladminpassword
- Restart IBM WebSphere Portal.
- Verify that the template has been restored as appropriate by accessing Administration > WebSphere Portal > Portal Content > Web Content Libraries.
- Steps when migrating from v6.1.5 to v7.0.
If you migrated from v6.1.5, manually update the blog and wiki templates after migration.
- Log in to the migrated server as an administrator, and click Applications -> Content -> Web Content Management.
- In the authoring portlet, click Preferences -> Edit Shared Settings.
- Add the blog and wiki libraries to the authoring portlet.
- Click Library Selection.
- Select Blog Resources and Wiki Resources from the list of available libraries, and click Add
- Click OK
- Update the blog templates to hide inapplicable buttons.
- Expand Blog Resources -> Authoring Templates.
- Select the check box for Blog Home, and click Edit.
- In the Form Properties section of the template, update the list of actions to hide.I
- Save as draft
- Add to Project
- Add/Remove Workflow
- Previous stage
- Click Save and read to verify changes.
- In the library explorer, edit the Blog Post authoring template, and make the same changes.
- Update the wiki templates to hide inapplicable buttons.
- Click Libraries in the library explorer, and expand Wiki Resources -> Authoring Templates
- Select the check box for Wiki Page, and click Edit.
- In the Form Properties section of the template, update the list of actions to hide.
- Save as draft
- Add to Project
- Add/Remove Workflow
- Previous stage
- Click Save and read to verify changes.
Important: When you migrate from v6.1.5 to v7.0, the migrated server uses the 6.1.5 versions of the web content libraries that contain the blog and wiki resources. To use the 7.0 versions of those libraries for access to tagging and rating support and enhanced globalization support, remove the v6.1.5 libraries and reinstall the v7.0 libraries, as described in Restore a template library for a blog, blog library, or wiki. Reinstalling the libraries will remove any content items that were created in the v6.1.5 libraries, so recreate any content items that you want to retain in the v7.0 libraries.
Parent: Deploy new functionality in a migrated portal
Related information
Restore a template library for a blog, blog library, or wiki
January 30, 2012 12:25:23 PM
2011/12/15 documentation refresh