Set up JCR search collections
JCR search collections are special purpose search collections used by WebSphere Portal applications. They are not designed to be used alongside user-defined search collections. JCR search collections require a special set up. This includes creation of new content source for the search collection.
The portal installation has the JCR search collection created by default. It is named JCRCollection1. If this collection is removed or does not exist for other reasons, you can manually re-create the JCR search collection. WCM Authoring and its search capability is required to have the JCR search collection available, paired with the respective content source. If the JCR search collection gets deleted a search is not possible using the Authoring portlet. The JCR search collection can only be used by a search portlet, which knows how to present and deal with the search result in which the returned information is useless in a more generic context of search. This search collection is also flagged so that it will not participate in search using the 'All sources' search scope. An administrator is not able to manually add it. The JCR search collection is a special purpose search collection which the JCR requires to allow specialized application to perform low-level searches in the repository. The JCR search collection is required to be available only once. If you are using Web Content Manager, the JCRCollection1 collection is created the first time you create a web content item, if it does not already exist. In this case, it might not be necessary to create the collection manually, although it is fine to create it manually first, if required. It is used by the search feature within the Web Content Manager authoring portlet. If you delete this search collection, you will not be able to search for items within the authoring portlet.
- Click Portal Administration -> Search Administration -> Manage Search -> Search collections.
- To create a new search collection, click New collection.
- Specify the following values for the parameters as required:
Search Service
Select the required search service the JCR collection will use. If you have a stand-alone environment, select Default Portal Service. If you have a clustered environment, select Remote Search Service.
Location of collectionThe directory location for the collection where you intend the search collection to be created. For example, this can be c:/JCR.
Name of collection.The name of the collection should be JCRCollection1.
Description of collectionOptional. Specify JCR seedlist collection.
Specify Collection languageSpecify the collection language. By default this is English (United States).
After creating the new collection you can see the name of the collection you have created in the list.
- Double-click the collection that you have created.
- To create the content source for the new search collection, click New Content Source.
- Specify the collection parameters as follows:
- For the type of the content source, select Seedlist Provider.
- Provide the name for the new content Source in the field Content Source Name . For example, you can specify JCRSource.
- Specify value for the URL as follows:
http://server name:port number/seedlist/server?Action=GetDocuments &Format=ATOM&Locale=en_US&Range=5 & &SeedlistId=1@
- In this URL the range parameter specifies the number of documents in one page of a session.
- Click Create to create the new content source.
If the Content Source was created successfully, the following message will be displayed at the top of the page:
EJPJB0025I: Content source source_name in collection collection_name is OK.
- You can start the crawler manually or schedule it to run at regular intervals.
- To start the crawler manually, navigate to the content source and click the Start Crawler button for the content source.
- To schedule the seedlist crawler, click the Edit Content Source button, and click the Scheduler tab. Specify the date and time and the frequency for the crawl. The crawler will be triggered automatically at the time that you scheduled.
Set up search collections
Related tasks
Manage the content sources of a search collection
Export and import search collections
Create search collections
Sep 9, 2010 11:20:59 AM