Prepare the WAS Deployment Manager on IBM i

WebSphere Portal provides a customized installation package (CIP) that includes IBM WAS Network Deployment and all required maintenance packages. Use the supplied discs to install WAS Network Deployment on a dedicated system.


Prepare the IBM i OS
Prepare the primary node on IBM i

To prepare the WAS Deployment Manager:

If you are creating the Deployment Manager profile on the same server that contains the WebSphere Portal binaries and the same WAS installation, then you can skip the step about installing or upgrading the Deployment Manager and you can skip the step about collecting files if the dmgr is on a remote server.

  1. Install WAS Network Deployment or use the CIP to upgrade an existing installation that you will use for cluster. Run the following command: cd_root/ISERIES/architecture/ifpackage/WAS/install, where cd_root is the root directory of the disc and architecture is the system's processor architecture.

  2. You can either use an existing Deployment Manager profile or you can run the following command from the WAS_HOME/bin directory:

      manageprofiles -create -templatePath [[Directory structure wp7|WAS_HOME]]/profileTemplates/management -hostName hostname-profileName dmgr -profilePath [[Directory structure wp7|WAS_HOME]]/dmgr -cellName dmgrCell -nodeName yourhostname_dmgr-enableAdminSecurity true -adminUserName dmgradmin -adminPassword dmgrpass
      Restriction: If you plan to use the backup and restore task documented in the Information Center, use the default profile path for the dmgr profile; otherwise, the backup and restore tasks cannot locate the profile.

  3. Collect files from the primary node and copy them to the remote dmgr:

    1. An archive or compressed file will be placed in the $PORTAL_HOME/filesForDmgr directory during installation; the file is called Copy the file to the remote Deployment Manager server.

    2. Stop the dmgr.

    3. Expand the file into the installation root directory of the Deployment Manager; for example this may be a subdirectory under the AppServer directory and it will contain the bin and profileTemplates directories.

        If the Deployment Manager profile was not created in the default AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01 directory, then the metadata_wkplc.xml file, located in the AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/config/.repository/metadata_wkplc.xml directory in the zip file, must be copied into the config/.repository subdirectory under the Deployment Manager profile directory.

    4. Start the dmgr.

  4. Run the following command from the WAS_HOME/bin directory: -augment -templatePath /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/ND/profileTemplates/management.portal.augment 
      			-profileName Dmgr01

      If you have a long command, use the continuation character "/" to avoid seeing the "not found" error message.

      In this example, the portal profile template is installed under the /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/ND/profileTemplates directory. The existing Deployment Manager profile is named Dmgr01 and is located under the /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/ND/profiles/Dmgr01 directory.

  5. Stop and restart the Deployment Manager server; see "Starting and stopping servers, dmgrs, and node agents" for information.

  6. Verify that the WebSphere Portal administrative users and administrative group exist in the Deployment Manager cell's user registry. If you need to create the administrative users and group:

    1. Click Users and Groups -> Manage Users.

    2. Click Create.

    3. Type the information for the WebSphere Portal administrative users; for example wpsadmin and wpsbind, and then click Create.

    4. Click Users and Groups -> Manage Groups.

    5. Click Create.

    6. Type wpsadmins as the name of the WebSphere Portal administrative group and then click Create.

    7. Click the group you just created; for example wpsadmins.

    8. Click the Members tab.

    9. Click Add Users.

    10. Search for the users.

    11. Select the users you want to add to the group.

    12. Click Add to add the users to the group.

    13. Click Close when you are done adding users to the group.

    14. Log out of the administrative console.

  7. If there are common shortnames between the default Deployment Manager security configuration and the LDAP server:

    1. Log on to the Deployment Manager administrative console.

    2. Navigate to Security -> Global security.

    3. Under User account repository, click Configure.

    4. In the Primary administrative user name field, alter the user ID so that is using the full distinguished user name. For the default file user registry, the syntax is uid=userID,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm; for example: uid=wpadmin,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm.

    5. Click Apply.

    6. Enter the password for the user and then confirm the password.

    7. Save all changes.

    8. Log out of the administrative console.


Set up a cluster on IBM i


Prepare the primary node on IBM i

Next topic

Create the cluster on IBM i

Related tasks

Back up the Deployment Manager profile on IBM i
Restore the Deployment Manager profile on IBM i
Start and stop servers, dmgrs, and node agents

  Fixed step 6f.


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