Personalizing content

Personalization allows a portal or website to choose which content should appear for a particular user. The WebSphere PortalPersonalization component selects content for users, based on information in their profiles and on business rules. Using Portal Personalization, business experts can classify site visitors into segments and target relevant content to each segment. For example, a site using Personalization might show different news articles to managers than to regular employees or different information to valued customers. Personalization offers analytic capabilities to record site usage patterns and includes the LikeMinds recommendation engine, which provides collaborative filtering capabilities. Collaborative filtering uses statistical techniques to identify groups of users with similar interests or behaviors. Inferences can be made about what a particular user might be interested in, based on the interests of the other members of the group.

You can define content through a number of applications, including IBMWeb Content Manager. Personalization automatically detects the content definition from these applications. Definitions of database or LDAP content types can also be made through a Personalization wizard included with IBM RationalApplication Developer.

Once you define the content type, attributes of the content are exposed to the rule author. The rule author can use these attributes to make conditions which define if and when certain content is displayed, or even if certain actions like database updates and triggered emails may occur.

Benefits of Personalization


Add content to the site
Develop a personalized portlet



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