Markup guidelines

View the guidelines for using HTML, WML, and cHTML markup in portlet JSPs to provide a consistent, clean, and complete user interface.

The portal server page is displayed using skins and themes defined by the portal designer or administrator. For portlets to appear integrated with an organization's portal or user's customized portal, they should generate markup that invokes the generic style classes for portlets, rather than using tags or attributes to specify colors, fonts, or other visual elements. See Portal style classes for more information.

This section provides information for using HTML, WML, and cHTML markup in portlet JSPs. Portlets are allowed to render only markup fragments, which are then assembled by the portlet framework for a complete page. Portlet output should contain complete, well-structured, and valid markup fragments. This helps to prevent the portlet's HTML code, for example, from corrupting the portal's aggregated HTML code. You should use a validation tool for markup, such as the W3C HTML Validation Service or a tool from a markup editor.

These guidelines are based on the JSP coding guidelines for standard portlets and for IBM portlets. See the corresponding best practices guide for the type of portlet you are developing on the WebSphere Portal Zone for complete information about portlet output guidelines.



Compact HTML (cHTML)


Portlet development reference
Access the portlet session on the anonymous page
Deployment descriptors
IBM portlet DTD tag reference
JSP tags for standard portlets
JSP tags for IBM portlets
Drag and drop JSP tags reference
Handling and visibility of request parameters in portlets
Detailed descriptions of the Struts WML tags
Application extension registry



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