Integrate the Person card and online status in a custom portlet

If WebSphere Portal is configured to work with IBM LotusSametime®, you can integrate the person card and online awareness in a custom portlet. Person names then appear with a dynamic status indicator. Users of the portlet can move the cursor over an active person's name and then click Click for Person Card to see options for viewing the person's profile, chatting, and more.

The Person card is provided by using the person tag of the Collaborative Services API.

To integrate the Person card and online status in a custom portlet:

  1. Add the following line to page:

      <%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/people.tld"prefix="pa"%>

  2. Include a statement in page similar to the following line:

      <pa:person value="CN=John Smith,OU=SALES,O=ACME" valueType="LDAPDN" displayName="John Smith" />

      The displayName attribute is optional.

      The supported types for valueType are:

      • EMAIL

      • LDAPDN

      • MEMBERDN

To integrate the Person card and online status in a custom portlet using live text Microformat. Add the following lines to page:

  1. Person card with online status:

      <span class='vcard X-sametime-resolve'>

      Person card without online status:

      <span class='vcard'>

      <a class='fn' href='javascript:SemTagMenu.a11y(event)' style='color:black; text-decoration:none;' onclick='return false;'>{displayName}</a>

  2. Any of the class 'email' , 'uid' and 'objectId' is sufficient as long as it resolves to a unique user.

      <span class='email' style='display:none;'>{email id}span class='email' style='display:none;'>{email id}</span>

      <span class='uid' style='display:none;'>{LDAPDN}span class='uid' style='display:none;'>{LDAPDN}</span>

      <span class='objectId' style='display:none;'>{objectId}span class='objectId' style='display:none;'>{objectId}</span></span>

In the following example, the bolded portions interact with Collaborative Services. The first % statement is a reference to the Collaborative Services tag library. The bold statement uses the Collaborative Services person tag to display a person's name as a live link.

<%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/people.tld" prefix="pa" %>
<%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portletAPI" %>
Hello example
<h1>Collaborative Services Hello JSP</h1>
<br />
<h2>Hello,<pa:person value="" valueType="EMAIL" /> !</h2>


Collaborative Services API

  update basic information about Person card functionality Aug 2, 2011 10:35:37 AM Changed portalAPO:init to <portletAPO:init/>. F282995 Submitted by dgupta Gupta on Oct 11, 2011 7:42:07 AM

Re: Integrating the Person card and online status in a custom portlet

Before example section , add Live text Microformat approach for adding person card i.e. the contents of section "To integrate the Person card and online status in a custom portlet using live text Microformat. Add the following lines to page" of link >

Integrating_the_Person_card_and_online_status_in_a_custom_portlet_wpbeta. Submitted by Dilip Sa Kumar on Aug 1, 2011 4:10:43 AM

Re: Integrating the Person card and online status in a custom portlet

typo error

portletAPO:init should be


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