Integrate Lotus Connections
Lotus Connections portlets give IBM WebSphere Portal users access to additional collaboration and social networking features such as Activities, Blogs, and Bookmarks. Users can also view Lotus Connections business card information and link to Lotus Connections features directly from the portal server.
The Lotus Connections portlets give you features such as:
- Activities – for collecting, organizing, sharing, and reusing work that is related to a project goal.
- Blogs – for maintaining online personal journals.
- Communities – for creating a Web site where people who share a common interest can interact and share resources.
- Dogear – for saving, organizing, and sharing Internet and intranet bookmarks.
- Profiles – for viewing information about people in organization .
- Bookmarks – for saving, organizing, and sharing Internet and intranet bookmarks.
The instructions below explain how to enable the Lotus Connections profile in WebSphere Portal so that users can view IBM Lotus Connections business card information and link to features such as Communities, Blogs, and Activities.
If you use Lotus Connections Version 2.0.1 or later, enable Show E-mail on the Lotus Connections server to ensure that portal users can view profile information.
- Search the Lotus Connections LDAP directory for the user whose profile you want to enable in WebSphere Portal and then add that user to the portal LDAP directory.
- Ensure that ibm-primaryEmail is mapped to the appropriate attribute (for example, mail or email) in the LDAP, and that the e-mail address in the Lotus Connections LDAP matches the e-mail address in the portal LDAP.
- Register the Lotus Connections server as follows:
- Open the IBM WAS administrative console.
- In the console navigation tree, select Resources -> URL -> URL Providers and then select the Default URL Provider at the top of the hierarchy. Next, under Additional Properties, select URLs. For server WebSphere_Portal, in case of Single Server mode, this configuration is configured at the Node level. In case of Clustered mode, configure this at the DMGR node.
- Click New and then specify these settings under General Properties:
JNDI name
Pre-connection 2.5 card:
"/profiles/portalJS/portalBizCard.js", so do not type in the entire url to the javascript file. Only type in the Connections https address. (The portumber can be left out if you are using an HTTP server in front of the Connections environment)For example:
Post-connection 2.5 card:
For example:
The url you type in will then fetch the javascript file
- Click Save to save the changes to the master configuration.
- Restart WebSphere_Portal and server1.
After enabling the Lotus Connections profile for a particular user, when you move the cursor over that person's active (underlined) name in WebSphere Portal, and then click Click for Person Card, you see the Lotus Connections profile for that person displayed in the business card section of the Person card, with links to additional Lotus Connections features. Click the Profile link to see the user's full Lotus Connections profile. To return to the WebSphere Portal page, click the Back button in the browser.
If you integrate Lotus Connections and then select a user who does not have a Lotus Connections profile, WebSphere Portal displays the message "profile does not exists". Click the Back button to return to WebSphere Portal.
Parent: Integrate with collaboration software
Related concepts
Collaboration and Messaging portlets
Related information
Install the Connections portlets (2.5)
Fixed the specification example url for "post 2.5" 2011/12/15 documentation refresh I added a link to a recently published article by Andreas P that shoul... Corrected the URL examples Submitted by Robert Farstad on Dec 21, 2011 7:23:48 AM Re: Integrating Lotus Connections
Modified the "post 2.5" example url. The entire url to the portalBizCard.js file should not be used. Only the url to the connections server should be used.