Installation, configuration, and migration logs
Learn about the different log files that WebSphere Portal provides to help administrators identify and correct problems with installation, migration, and IBMi configuration.
Installation log files
The WebSphere Portal installation log files are in the following directory:The table lists each file, describes the file content and recommends when to check the file for information that might assist in troubleshooting installation problems.
- AIXLinux™ Solaris: $PORTAL_HOME/log
- i:
- /tmp/
- PORTAL_HOME_prod/tmp/installshield
Files in this directory are stored only on the local iSeries system. You may be able to view them from a Windows machine by mapping a network drive to the iSeries system.
- PORTAL_HOME_prod/log
Log file name Description Problem symptoms wpinstalllog.txt Contains trace information that is generated by the installation program. Check this log if the WebSphere Portal installation stops before successful completion. installmessages.txt Contains messages that are generated during installation. The messages in this file are translated for the language that is specified during installation. Check this log for errors generated during installation. LocalizeTrace.*.log Contains archive installation or fixup messages. The LocalizeTrace.archive5.log file is the log most likely to contain detailed tracing information.
Check this log for errors generated during the archive installation or fixup. restoreConfig.log Contains trace information of the preconfigured WAS profile that WebSphere Portal uses. Check this log for errors generated during the installation step when WebSphere Portal initializes the WAS During a successful installation, the restoreConfig.log file may contain what looks like an error but is actually not an error. The following message is "normal" for WebSphere Portal and does NOT require a manual correction: ADMU7006W: The cell name contained in the backup file is not the same as the current cell name of configuration which is "cells/<yourcellname>/". Since you specified the "-force" option, the backup file will be restored but you will need to manually correct the resulting problems.wplaunchlog.txt Contains trace information about the WebSphere Portal installation program launch. Check this log for errors generated during the launch of the installation GUI. cmcfgdbu.log Contains trace information that is generated during the creation of the JCR tables in WebSphere Portal's database. Check this log if the creation of the JCR table fails. finalfixup.log Contains trace information of additional installation/fixup steps.
log.txt Contains trace information generated during the installation of WAS. Located in WAS_HOME/logs directory for successful installs. Located in the temporary directory (%TEMP% on Windows or /tmp/ on UNIX™) for unsuccessful installs. Check this log if you have problems with the installation of WAS. The table lists each file, describes the file content and recommends when to check the file for information that might assist in troubleshooting installation problems.
Log file name Description Problem symptoms wpinstalllog_base.txt The wpinstalllog_base.txt file exists when the installation and configuration is done remotely from a Window workstation. Contains trace information that is generated by the installation program. This file contains a copy of wpinstalllog.txt prior to the launch of the installation program, which then deletes wpinstalllog.txt. Check this log if the WebSphere Portal installation onto a WAS base profile stops before successful completion. extractArchive.log Contains trace information that is generated when extracting jar files during the installation. Check this log if a jar file fails to extract during the installation. VersionInfo.log Contains information about the product version. Check this log before upgrading to see what current product version is.
Log file name Description Problem symptoms installtraces1.txt installtraces2.txt installtraces3.txt Contain trace information generated by the dependency checking function. Output is added to installtraces1.txt until it reaches a predefined size, at which point output goes into installtraces2.txt and then into installtraces3.txt. When installtraces3.txt is full, output reverts to installtraces1.txt and overwrites previous trace information. Check these files if there are problems with component discovery and dependency checking.
Migration log files
Unless noted otherwise, migration log files are located in...The table lists each file, describes the file content, and recommends when to check the file for information that might assist in troubleshooting migration problems.
- AIX Linux Solaris: WP_PROFILE /logs
- IBM i: WP_PROFILE/logs
Files in this directory are stored only on the local System i5machine. You may be able to view them from a Windows machine by mapping a network drive to the System i5 machine.
Log file name Description Problem symptoms ConfigTrace.log Contains information that is generated each time a ConfigEngine task is executed, including trace information that is generated during migration from WebSphere Portal V6.1.x. This file is located in WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/log. Check this log if migration from V6.1.x stops before successful completion. upgradeConfigEngineTrace.log Contains trace information that is generated when the ConfigEngine tool is upgraded from V6.1. This file is located in WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/log Check this log if errors occur when you run theupgradeConfigEngine tool. To set tracing for the migration plug-in (, which you use to migrate the Deployment Manager and nodes from V6.1 to V7), specify:*=all=enabled
i configuration log files
If you configured WebSphere Portal using the Install and Configure option of the installation program, the complete set of WebSphere Portal configuration log files are located in the UserData path of the PORTAL_HOME_user/log directory. Some configuration log files may also appear in the ProdData path of the PORTAL_HOME_prod/log directory, but these files do not contain log information on configuration performed after installation. For complete information, refer to the configuration log files contained in the UserData path of the directory.The following files may prove useful when troubleshooting configuration problems. This is not a complete list of the log files available.
Log file name Description Problem symptoms LocalizeConfigTrace.log LocalizeConfigTrace1.log
Contain trace information on the create-all-db configuration task. Output is added to LocalizeConfigTrace.log until it reaches a predefined size, at which point output goes into LocalizeConfigTrace1.log. When LocalizeConfigTrace1.log is full, output reverts to LocalizeConfigTrace.log and overwrites previous trace information. Check these logs if you have trouble creating databases. LocalizeTrace.log LocalizeTrace.log is a subset of LocalizeConfigTrace.log and contains actual commands entered. This file is overwritten if the installation program is run again. Check this log for errors generated during installation.
Corrupted messages in log files
Corrupted messages in log files might occur if there are different locales set on the i server and the Windows client. For example, if a user installs WebSphere Portal from a Japanese Windows client onto an i English server, the log files are unreadable.Whenever possible, it is strongly recommended that you install from a client that has the same locale as the server in order to avoid this problem.
Logging and tracing
Submitted by Paul T Sparks on Jan 17, 2012 1:27:34 PM Re: Installation, configuration, and migration logs
I'm not sure where to report this, but I thought I'd try here. I was doing a scripted install of Portal on Linux and ran into a situation where the -options responsefile.txt -silent
command was failing with no output and with no /tmp/wpinstalllog.txt file being generated.
It turns out the installer didn't like that I had -silent specified in the response file and on the command line. I finally found this out by running the installer with strace and found the following error message in the output:
[pid 23417] write(2, "The wizard cannot continue because of the following error: Invalid command line option: silent cannot be used more than once (1001) (403)", 137
Remove the '-silent' from the command line enabled the install to proceed.