Guidelines for setting up a cluster


A WebSphere Application Server cluster is composed of multiple identical copies of an application server. A cluster member is a single application server in the cluster. WebSphere Portal is installed as an enterprise application server within the WAS infrastructure. All of the clustering features available within the WAS infrastructure are also available and apply to WebSphere Portal. Thus, a WebSphere Portal cluster is simply a collection of multiple WebSphere Portal servers that are identically configured.

Guidelines for implementing cluster environments

You can have a mixed 32-bit and 64-bit OS environment; for example, you can have dmgr installed on a 64-bit and the portal node installed on 32-bit.

To configure an external Web server in a clustered environment involves using the Plug-ins installation wizard to install the binary plug-in module after the cell has been set up.

WAS provides database session persistence and memory-to-memory replication as techniques for HTTP session failover in a clustered environment.

You can create an IBM WebSphere Virtual Enterprise dynamic cluster to run WebSphere Portal.

For standalone environments WasRemoteHostName and WasSoapPort in should point to the host name and soap port for the WebSphere_Portal application server.

For a clustered environment, these parameters should point to the Deployment manager host name and soap port.

If you add a node to a cell or change a node's configuration after it has been federated to the dmgr, synchronize the node's configuration.

Verify the cluster is working properly before proceeding with the configuration of any external security managers.


Cluster considerations



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