General configuration parameters
You can add general proxy configuration parameters to the file proxy-config.xml by using meta-data elements.
Configure HTTP connection handling
Use the following configration parameters to influence the HTTP connection handling of the proxy:
socket-timeoutThis defines the default socket timeout in milliseconds. The socket timeout defines the timeout the proxy server waits for data after successfully establishing a connection with the target server. The default value is 20 seconds. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.
retriesThis defines the number of retries that should be performed if the proxy could not establish a connection with the target server. The default value is 2 retries.
max-total-connectionsThis defines the maximum number of HTTP connections that the proxy can open to connect to arbitrary target hosts. The default value is 100 connections.
max-connections-per-hostThis defines the number of HTTP connections the proxy can open to connect to a specific host. The default value is 5 connections per host.
unsigned_ssl_certificate_supportIf set to true, the proxy connects to any HTTPS URL that is allowed by the policy, regardless of whether or not it trusts the specified host. The default setting is true.
forward-http-errorsThis defines whether the proxy forwards additional HTTP error codes to the client. Valid values are false and true:
falseDefault.value. It means that only 2xx and 3xx status codes are forwarded, whereas 4xx error codes are automatically mapped to a 404 'Not Found' error.
trueSet this parameter to true makes the proxy forward every status code, even if it represents an error code.
forward-credentials-from-vaultThis defines whether user credentials retrieved from the credential vault of the portal can be forwarded to the specified target host using a HTTP authorization request header. The default value is false which means that the proxy does not forward credentials.
Configure a Boundary (Passthru) Proxy
Use the following configuration parameters to make connections through a boundary (passthru) proxy:
passthru_hostThis defines the host name of the passthru proxy.
passthru_portThis defines the port of the passthru proxy.
passthru_realmOptional. It defines the authentication realm of the passthru proxy.
passthru_usernameOptional. It defines the user name for the passthru proxy.
passthru_passwordOptional. It defines the password for the passthru proxy.
The proxy-config.xml file
Access policies
Context path mappings
IP filtering
Examples of AJAX proxy configurations