Example of an application policy hierarchy
Here is a simple example that illustrates how you might refine the main policy for composite applications with child policies. The example is partial; it does not refer to all of the policy settings for composite applications and it does not illustrate lower-level child policies. This refinement of the main policy is based on applications deployed at different organizational levels within enterprise and focuses on application size.
A refinement of the Composite Application policy might include three child policies that apply particular conditions of the Organizational Level rule to monitor the size of applications for personal use, departmental use, and division use. The following table illustrates how the default values of the main Composite Application policy might be refined for organizational subsets of applications based on application size.
Policy Name Policy Settings Values Allow Changes in Children Composite Application Monitor application size Maximum application size
Application size warning threshold
Enable 100
No Yes
Personal Application Monitor application size Maximum application size
Application size warning threshold
Enable 50
No Yes
Department Application Monitor application size Maximum application size
Application size warning threshold
Enable 500
No Yes
Division Application Monitor application size Maximum application size
Application size warning threshold
Enable 1000
No Yes
The three child policies are peers; they are on the same level of the policy hierarchy under the main policy. Therefore, the child policies will use the same policy rule, Organizational Level. Each child policy will apply the condition of the rule that is expressed by the value of the Policy Selection Attribute.
Here is how the rule named Organizational Level might use the Policy Selection Attribute to express the necessary conditions for each child policy – Personal Application, Department Application, and Division Application:
Organizational Level is Personal Application when current CompositeApplication.PolicySelectionAttribute is Personal Department Application when current CompositeApplication.PolicySelectionAttribute is Department Division Application when current CompositeApplication.PolicySelectionAttribute is DivisionThe Policy Selection Attribute is an application parameter defined in the application template. The value of the Policy Selection Attribute determines the policy that is assigned to the application. Therefore, you might want to create application templates for each subset of applications that you want to manage with child policies. In this example, three application templates are defined to use three different Policy Selection Attribute values: Personal Application, Department Application, and Division Application.
Application Template Application Parameter: Policy Selection Attribute Portal Blank Template (default) CompositeApp (default) Personal Application Personal Department Application Department Division Application Division
Work with policies for composite applications
Manage application status with policies
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Composite Application policy definition