Current Browser Capability
Browser Capability is an application object that allows you to profile a Web site visitor based on the attributes or capabilities of the browser being used. When applicable, it appears in the rule editor as an option when you select Resource.Attribute.
Browser Capability currently supports these attributes:
AcceptLanguageReturns the value of the header 'accept-language' from the request object.
AcceptMimeTypesReturns the value of the header 'accept' from the request object.
AgentReturns the value of the header 'user-agent' from the request object. This is a lowercase string that contains information about the client software, usually the browser name or version.
BrowserTypeReturns the browser type. Choices are available for supported browsers.
FullVersionReturns the version of the browser to one point of precision. For instance, 6.1 and 6.1.1 are both returned as 6.1.
MajorVersionReturns the first digit of the browser version. For instance, 6.0, 6.1 and 6.1.1 are all returned as 6.
Rule elements