Create a Portal custom profile on IBM i
Custom profiles do not contain any servers or applications; they are used as runtime environments to create additional cluster members. After creating the profile, the node needs to be federated into an existing cell. The portal server will be added when you add the additional nodes to an existing cluster.
Create a new profile that will be used as an additional node:
Run the following command from the WAS_HOME/bin directory:
manageprofiles -create -templatePath /QIBM/ProdData/Websphere/PortalServer/V7/portal_family/portal/profileTemplates/managed.portal -profileName testManagedPortal1 -profilePath /QIBM/Userdata/Websphere/appserver/V7/ND/profiles/testManagedPortal1 -serverName server1If you have a long command, use the continuation character "/" to avoid seeing the "not found" error message.
In this example, the portal profile template is installed under the /QIBM/ProdData/Websphere/PortalServer/V7/portal_family/portal/profileTemplates/managed.portal directory. The new profile is named testManagedPortal1 and is located under the /QIBM/Userdata/Websphere/appserver/V7/ND/profiles/testManagedPortal1 directory.
Create or augment profiles on IBM i
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