Configure Sametime to be not case-sensitive

To ensure Awareness works correctly, configure LotusSametimeto be not case-sensitive.


Configure the WebSphere Portal server to recognize Lotus Sametime
Configure trust for the Sametime Contact List portlet

  1. Open the sametime.ini file in a text editor.

      The sametime.ini file must be updated on each server that provides chat services.

  2. In the [Config] section, add the flag: AWARENESS_CASE_SENSITIVE=0

  3. In the [STLINKS] section append -DAWARENESS_CASE_SENSITIVE=0 to STLINKS_VM_ARGS as follows:

      STLINKS_VM_ARGS=-Xmx128m -Xgcpolicy:optavgpause -DAWARENESS_CASE_SENSITIVE=0

  4. Update meetingserver.ini (local/notesdata/meetingserver.ini) as follows:

      ArgString=-Xmx256m -Xms256m -Xgcpolicy:optavgpause -DAWARENESS_CASE_SENSITIVE=0

  5. Open the stlinks.js file in a text editor.

      The stlinks.js file must be updated on each server that provides chat services.

  6. In the variable section set, the variable STlinksCaseSensitive to false:

       var STlinksCaseSensitive=false;

  7. Restart the Lotus Sametime server.


Integrate with IBM Lotus Sametime


Configure trust for the Sametime Contact List portlet

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People awareness January 11, 2012

  2011/12/15 documentation refresh Submitted by Neal A Timpe on Jan 11, 2012 4:41:21 PM

Re: Configure Sametime to be not case-sensitive

I've made the change. Thanks for the comment. Submitted by Emilio M Recio on Jan 9, 2012 4:39:59 PM

Re: Configure Sametime to be case sensitive

To configure it to be "case sensitive." then why are you setting those values to false?


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