Collaborative Services environment properties
If collaborative site requires optional configuration that is not accomplished by the tasks that you run on the WebSphere Portal server to integrate IBM Lotus Dominoand the Extended Products, you can modify the operation of the collaborative servers and portlets in various ways by manually editing the Lotus Collaborative Services environment properties file ( on the WebSphere Portal server.
The file is installed in the following directory:
Windows™: WP_PROFILE/PortalServer/config/config}}}
This file contains the following information about the portal environment:
UNIX™: WP_PROFILE/PortalServer/config/config}}}
i: WP_PROFILE/PortalServer/config/config}}}
- A flag to indicate whether the Collaborative Services are being used within the portal context
- Location, protocol, port, and version of Lotus Domino Directory server
- Location, protocol, port, and version of IBM Lotus Sametimeserver
- Configuration and performance tuning settings specific to Collaborative Services
- A flag to indicate the type of token that is being used: lpta token or ltpa token2
- Edit the file
- Set Lotus Sametime to use a Lotus Sametime token for user login
- Customize communication between Lotus Sametime and Collaborative Services for name resolution and clustering
- Resolve the portal user's log-in name with the user name on the Lotus Sametime server
- Enable awareness when Lotus Sametime authenticates with a native Domino Directory
- Configure people awareness to work across Domino Directory and a non-Domino portal LDAP directory
- Auto-detect user mail information from a secondary LDAP server
- Customize Collaborative Services user credentials for eTrust SiteMinder
- Support automatic mail detection with an LDAP directory other than Lotus Domino
- Tune performance of the Domino Directory
- Use LtpaToken2 for user login
Integrate with collaboration software