Automatic detection of mail files
Messaging portlets are configured by default to detect a user's source mail file (a Notes database) based on the identity with which the user signs into the portal. The LDAP server for LotusCollaborative Services, and Single Sign-On configuration for portal site, are requirements to support this feature.
The messaging portlets that use automatic detection are:
In all cases described below, the automatic detection feature requires that the portal site is configured for multi-server single sign-on (SSO) authentication as described in Configure single sign-on between WebSphere Portal and Lotus Domino.
- Lotus Notes View
- iNotes
Case 1: Automatic detection when both the portal and Collaborative Services authenticate to an IBM Lotus Domino LDAPAutomatic detection works in these portlets whether both directories are Lotus Domino LDAP, or they are the same Lotus Domino LDAP directory.
Case 2: Automatic detection when the portal authenticates to an LDAP directory that is not Lotus Domino, and Collaborative Services authenticate to a Lotus Domino LDAPThis case requires the following tasks:
- Extend the LDAP schema on the LDAP directory that is not Lotus Domino, by adding the following attributes: mailfile=mail/usermail.nsfThe forward slash in the specification for the mailfile attribute is required.
On the Lotus Domino LDAP directory, take one of the following actions:
- Extend the schema as above.
- If organization prefers not to extend the schema, populate the directory with a separate Person document for each user. The document must specify the name the person uses for logging in to the portal in either the Short Name or Common Name field. You can run an agent to create the documents.
In addition, if you use the Common Mail portlet, modify the file on the portal server to include settings that will work for both the Common Mail portlet and the Domino and Extended Products Portlets, if site uses both. Follow the procedure in Support automatic mail detection with an LDAP directory other than Lotus Domino. If you use only the Domino and Extended Products Portlets portlets such as iNotes or Lotus Notes View, these settings are unnecessary.
Case 3: Automatic detection when both the portal and Collaborative Services authenticate to an LDAP directory that is not Lotus DominoAutomatic detection also works when neither directory is a Lotus Domino LDAP, but extend the schema in both directories as described above.
Plan for collaborative servers and portlets
Related tasks
Enable single sign-on between Domino and portal servers
Configure automatic mail detection using a non-Domino LDAP directory