Additional query parameters

In order to specify the extent and the contents of the requested feed, you may use additional query parameters. All additional query parameters are optional.


You can request a feed of a resource that is maintained in a tree model. If you do this, you can parameterize the URL,by the number of levels that the response should contain as follows:

    [ &levels = levelcount ] 

levelcount is an integer value that is greater than zero. Values have the following meaning:






Figure 1. Resources that the response contains with several level specifications, starting with node a at the top and going top-down

The level parameter for the portlet model:






Figure 2. Resources that the response contains with several level specifications for portlet model, starting with a portlet window pw at the bottom of the figure and going bottom-up

The parameters level and mode are mutually exclusive if the value for mode is view.
Example: A URL that explicitly specifies that the node itself and all its direct children should be contained in the returned response:


Representation mode

If the feed always transports all available information, it will be large. Therefore there is a way to limit the size of the feed. You can use the query parameter rep to specify the volume of information that is transported. You use the parameter as follows:

 [ &rep = compact | full | empty ]

You can set the parameter to the following values:




Extension parameter

For special use cases, for example in the context of federation, there is a parameter that allows you to manipulate the ATOM alternate link, also known as the view link. The value specified for this parameter must be a URI. If you specify this parameter, the Remote Model SPI performs a Piece Of Content (POC) lookup through the interface with the view mode and the given URI. At this time the Remote Model SPI uses the default lookup service. Use the parameter as follows:

 [ &extension=uri ]

Explicit MetaData

Some metadata names are hidden, as they are not exposed in the MetaData iterator; for example, this is the case for all names that start with These names also do not show up in a feed.

In the compact representation mode no metadata may be exposed, although some certain MetaData are required. Therefore, in order to expose them in a feed, you need to explicitly request them. To do this, use the &mdname parameter as follows:

 [ &mdname=string ]

You can use the parameter mdname multiple times in the same URL.
Example: This URL specifies explicitly that the otherwise hidden metadata is exposed in the returned response:



Syntax for addressing portal resources
Model schemas for addressing resources



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