AIX clustered server: Install DB2

View information on installing DB2 for use with WebSphere Portal.

Before you begin:

  1. To install DB2 or the DB2 client and the required fix pack, follow the instructions that are provided with the DB2 documentation.

  2. If DB2 is installed on another system than WebSphere Portal, perform the following instructions:

    • For JDBC Type 2 drivers only: The appropriate DB2 client must be installed on the same system as WebSphere Portal and have the same name as the server profile name.

    • For JDBC Type 4 drivers only: Copy the driver jar files to the Portal server. It is recommended that you place these driver files within the WP_PROFILE directory; for example:


  3. Open the services file on the DB2 system. Ensure that the DB2 instance port was added to the services file during the DB2 installation.

    • Edit file /etc/services.

    • Ensure that DB2_db2inst1 50000/tcp, where db2inst1 is the DB2 instance name, is in the services file. If you do not see DB2_db2inst1 50000/tcp in the services file, add this entry to the services file.

        Ensure that the port number used is not in use. If port number is already in use, select a different port number.

  4. If you are using the JDBC driver in type 2 mode, configure DB2 client with the following commands.

      If you are using a remote database, complete this step separately from the WebSphere Portal installation.

      • db2 update dbm cfg using tp_mon_name WAS

      • db2 update dbm cfg using spm_name hostname, where hostname is the host name of WebSphere Portal.

      Because the default for spm_name is the hostname itself, specifying the hostname parameter is optional. If hostname is more than eight characters, use empty double quotes (" "). For example, db2 update dbm cfg using spm_name " ".


AIX clustered server: Set up a DB2 database

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AIX clustered server: Modify DB2 database properties



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