Work with web content
This section describes how to work with Web Content Manager items to create content and build integrated features.
Create links and navigation
You use these elements to define or generate links between different pages in a website, or add navigational elements to a website.
You use different types of elements to store text or HTML depending on the type of text or HTML being created.
You use these elements to store files or images.
You use these elements to make selections from existing elements and data.
You use these elements to create or reference personalized content.
A page navigation element provides navigation controls that are used to navigate through a set of results generated by menus, navigators and search elements only.
You can overrule the default caching parameters of a site by using "cache" and "expire" parameters in URLs and IBM Web Content Manager tags.
URL generation using PathCmpnt and URLCmpnt tags
There are some special considerations to keep in mind when using URLCmpnt and PathCmpnt tags to create URLs to other web content items from within content.
Personalizing federated documents
Portal Personalization provides the federated documents feature to retrieve metadata about documents stored in external content management systems or document repositories, such as IBM Lotus Quickr , IBM DB2 Content Manager, or IBM FileNet Content Manager. You can use a personalization component in IBM Web Content Manager to display metadata from federated documents and to create links that can be used to download or open the documents.
Add tagging and rating to web content
Just as you can tag and rate portal resources like pages and portlets, you can also tag and rate content items generated with IBM Web Content Manager and displayed with the JSR 286 web content viewer. Two plug-in components are available to support the tagging and rating of content items in web content system. You can add the [Plugin:tags] component and [Plugin:ratings] component in a presentation template to quickly integrate tagging and rating widgets into the current content item.
Build a web content system
December 14, 2011
Apr 1, 2011 1:26:17 PM