Web content cache configuration


Tailor caching behavior of web content by changing configuration settings such as:

Web content cache options are set in the WCM WCMConfigService service using the dmgr console.

Set the WCM cache type

The caching environment for web content servers is specified by...

.whose values can include...

Parameter defaultcache defaultcontentcache Description
No caching false None
Basic cache true Not specified The first time a web page is rendered by the Web Content Manager application, it is stored in a cache. Users then access this page from the cache until it expires. Only then is the web page rendered afresh. The main benefit of this scenario is improved performance. Basic caching should only be used on static content that does not require "real-time" access.
Site caching false Site Same as the basic web content cache except that cache parameters in connect tags and URL requests can be used to override server's default advanced web content caching settings.
Session caching false Session A copy of each Web page a user visits is stored in the session cache. The User accesses the cached version of a web page until they start a new session, or until the cached web page is expired from the cache.
User caching false User A copy of each Web page a user visits is stored in the user cache. The user accesses the cached version of a web page until the cached web page is expired from the cache.
Secured caching false Secured Used on sites where the item security features are used to grant different users access to different Web pages and components based on the groups they belong to.
Personalized caching false Personalized Cache web pages of users who have the same "personalization profile". Users who have selected the same personalization categories and keywords, and who belong to the same group, share a single cache.

Cache properties per cache type

Cache Type Properties
Basic cache: connect.businesslogic.defaultcacheexpires
Advanced cache: All connect.moduleconfig.ajpe.contentcache.defaultcontentcache
Advanced cache: Session cache only connect.sessioncacheconfig.memcachesize

Cache properties details

Cache Property Details
contentcacheexpires Default expiry for all advanced caches. It can be either a relative period or an absolute date and time.
defaultcache If true, basic caching is enabled. If false or missing, advanced caching is enabled.
defaultcacheexpires Default expiry for the basic cache. It can be either a relative period or an absolute date and time.
defaultcontentcache If the advanced cache is enabled, the default advanced cache is set here.
resourceserver.browserCacheMaxAge Maximum time an item will be stored in a web browser cache.
resourceserver.maxCacheObjectSize Maximum size of objects that can be cached in kilobytes. By default this is set to 300.

Cache expire time formats

When setting the cache expire settings listed above, you can specify either a relative time, or absolute time:

{units} =

{date-format-string} =

The last two formats assume GMT.



Caching options


Set service configuration properties


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