Use the workflow update tool

Use the workflow update tool to add a workflow to existing items that aren't already workflow enabled.

You must first enable the workflow update tool by adding the following parameters to the WCM WCMConfigService service using the IBM WAS administration console:

  1. Log in to the portal as an administrator.

  2. Open the following URL in the browser and specify which workflow you want to apply and the library containing the items you want to apply the workflow to:

        http:// [HOST]: [PORT]/wps/wcm/myconnect/?MOD=workflowenablement&library=libraryname&workflow=workflowname

      If the "library" parameter is omitted, the default library that has been configured in the WCM WCMConfigService service is used.

Specify a workflow stage:

Preserve dates:

Restricting which items types to fix:

Unlocking items:

Restricting which items types to fix:


Maintain web content


Set service configuration properties


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