Edit pages with the Page Builder theme

You can edit portal pages with the Page Builder theme by assigning theme templates to pages.


The Page Builder theme


Use uncompressed JavaScript for logging and tracing client side rendering

Use uncompressed CSS for logging and tracing client side rendering

Related reference

Task refresh-page-layout

Assign a theme template to the page

By default, the theme template assigned to the page is theme.html. You can author multiple theme.html templates, store them all in the theme root WebDAV folder, and specify which theme template you want to use for which page by setting page metadata on the page as follows:

com.ibm.portal.theme.template.file.name.html= [name_of_file]

where name_of_file can be, for example customized-theme.html . This allows you to implement different templates for customize how different parts of site can look, without implementing an entirely different theme. Before you use multiple templates, consider the additional maintenance required, as changes to elements that are shared between multiple templates must be made to each template.

Assign and refreshing layout templates

You assign the layout template to the page by using the Page Builder theme customization features. Proceed as follows:

  1. From the theme banner area select Actions -> Edit Page -> Customize -> Change Layout.

  2. Select a new layout template.

  3. Click Save.

When you select a layout template, it is stored as a static page definition for the page. In other words, the page definition is a copy of the template as it is at the time when you assign the template to the page. This has several implications.

  1. You can edit the static page definition as a traditional static page definition. A user with the appropriate access permission can add or remove containers, add explicit portlets or iWidgets to the page. This affects the current page only, but not the source template.

  2. Similarly, subsequent changes to the original template are not automatically applied to pages that use the template. Page definitions store a reference to the source template, and the Page Builder and Page administration portlets provide an option to Refresh from template. The Manage Pages portlet provides a refresh icon named Synchronize a page with the latest layout template.

      These options become available if the source template has been modified since it was last applied to the page. Page authors can choose to refresh the page definition with the latest version of the source template, but in doing so, all edits they made to the static page definition directly are overridden.

      This override applies only to the static page layout definition directly, not to portlets or iWidget that were added to the containers by using the portal user interface.

      The actual refresh is performed by a portal configuration task named refresh-page-layout . See the topic about the Task refresh-page-layout.

December 14, 2011


Apr 1, 2011 1:26:17 PM



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