Defining navigator element design options

You use the element design options of a navigator element to determine how to display the results a navigator.

  1. Select Expand current navigator branch one level to display the content items and site areas one-level below the current site area in the navigator.

  2. Select Expand navigator to display current site area to display all the parent site areas from the start site area down to the current site area.

  3. Specify paging options for the navigator element.

    1. Enter the number of items that are displayed in each navigator page.

    2. Enter the number of the page to display first.

    3. Enter the maximum number of results pages to be included in the navigator design.

    4. Enter the number of results pages to read ahead when using a page navigation element. For example, if you enter 3, the page navigation element calculates results up to 3 pages ahead of the current page. Increasing this number improves the accuracy of the page navigation element. Lowering this number improves the performance of the page navigation element when rendered.

    To display multiple navigator pages, you need to use a page navigation element. This is referenced within the header or footer of the navigator design specified below.

    Changes to paging options are not visible to users until the session cache has expired, or a user starts a new session.

  4. Select Distinguish items with no children using the final navigator result design to use the final component design as the design for content items and site areas that contain no children. All other site areas in the navigator use the other component designs. You can use an Alternate Design tag in navigator design to "highlight" the current site area or content item.

  5. Enter text, tags, and code into the navigator design fields as required:

    • The text entered in the Header and Footer designs will appear before and after the displayed navigator items.

    • The text entered into the Navigator result design fields defines the format of each navigator item. Use multiple navigator result designs for each level of a navigator.

    • The text entered into the Separator field appears between each displayed navigator item.

    • The text entered into the No result design field is displayed if no results are found for the navigator criteria.


Create a navigator component


Defining navigator element display options


Navigator component properties


Navigator elements


Inserting an image in an element

Inserting a link in an element

Inserting element tags

Create web content tags

December 14, 2011


Apr 1, 2011 1:26:17 PM



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