Define the workflow
You define a workflow by selecting a set of workflow actions and defining related properties.
- Click Select Workflow Stages to select the workflow stages to comprise this workflow.
- Click Select Reject Stage to select a stage to move an item to when rejected.
- To require a comment to be entered when approving an item, select Enter Comment on Approval.
- Select whether to allow multiple drafts of an item to be created. If not selected, only a single draft of an item can be created at a time. Multiple drafts are enabled by default.
If the first stage of workflow includes a publish action, no draft items can be created regardless of what is selected here.
- Select Disable workflow in projects when you do not want the workflow to be used when an item is added to a project. If selected, any items using this workflow have a status of draft when added to a project, but are not staged.
- You must also select the workflow stage that the item is returned to when the project is published.
An item has a status of "published" when the project is published regardless of the workflow stage selected here, even if the selected workflow stage does not use a publish action or if the selected workflow stage precedes or follows a workflow stage that contains a publish action.
Create a workflow
Specify a location for the workflow
Define additional workflow properties
December 14, 2011
Apr 1, 2011 1:26:17 PM