Customize pages

The page customizer contains portlets for editing the layout, content, and appearance of pages. It also provides the Wires portlet, which allows users to set up connections between cooperative portlets on a page, and the Locks portlet, which allows users to lock and unlock containers and container content. You can configure the settings for these portlets to show a certain set of functions, restricting basic users from performing more advanced tasks.

Skins represent the border around a portlet, including its title bar. Users with appropriate access can select skins for individual portlets using the Appearance portlet of the page customizer. To set a skin for portlets, access the Page Customizer and select the Appearance portlet. See the portlet help for further information.

A page is deactivated when you start making changes to it. While editing the page, all changes are effective immediately and cannot be undone or cancelled. Other users will not be able to access the page and icons that launch the edit mode of portlets on the page are deactivated until you commit the changes by clicking Done.

Edit a shared page can have different results, depending on the role assigned to the user editing the page.

Log in to the portal and use one of the following methods to access the portlet:


Set up a portal site

December 14, 2011


Apr 1, 2011 1:26:17 PM



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