Create a web content page with
As with other portal pages, you can create a web content page with (xmlaccess command). Page definition is similar to a standard portal page, with the addition of a page parameter that specifies the site area that is associated with the web content page.
- When creating xmlaccess command, specify page parameters as you would for a standard portal page.
Here is an example:
<content-node action="update" content-parentref="parentOID" domain="rel" objectid="someOID" preserve-old-layout="true" type="page"> <content-mapping-info> <content-mapping content-id="/mylibrary2/sitearea2" default="true" delegated-access-level="User"/> <content-mapping content-id="ddccb7ed-8485-48c8-b875-31d17d9da65b" default="false"/> </content-mapping-info> </content-node>The value of the content-id attribute can be either the ID or the path to the web content item. If you're using the content path, the value must begin with the forward slash character (/) followed by the library name. When creating a web content page using the content path, you cannot build the path from the Display title fields of the items in the path. Instead use the Name fields of the items when specifying the path.
- When creating xmlaccess command, include the additional parameter param.sharing.scope. The value of the parameter can be arbitrary, but it must be unique between pages.
Here is an example parameter definition for web content pages when using
<parameter name="param.sharing.scope" type="string" update="set"> <! [CDATA [ibm.wcm.0.34110624169073556]]> </parameter>
- When creating xmlaccess command, add at least one JSR 286 web content viewer that is configured to listen to other portlets and make dynamic broadcasts.
This ensures that content selected for this page is rendered correctly and that links between pages work properly.
Here is an example of how to add the JSR 286 web content viewer using
<component action="update" active="true" deletable="undefined" domain="rel" modifiable="undefined" objectid="7_U796BB1A0OS250IOS7F1BP3081" ordinal="100" orientation="H" skinref="undefined" type="container" width="undefined"> <component action="update" active="true" deletable="undefined" domain="rel" modifiable="undefined" objectid="7_U796BB1A0OS250IOS7F1BP3085" ordinal="100" orientation="V" skinref="undefined" type="container" width="undefined"> <component action="update" active="true" deletable="undefined" domain="rel" modifiable="undefined" objectid="7_U796BB1A0OS250IOS7F1BP3087" ordinal="100" skinref="undefined" type="control" width="undefined"> <portletinstance action="update" domain="rel" objectid="5_U796BB1A0OS250IOS7F1BP3083" portletref="3_U796BB1A008OD0IOS2ODAD28U4"> <preferences name="WCM_BROADCASTS_TO" update="set"> <value><! [CDATA [WCM_LINKING_DYNAMIC]]></value> </preferences> <preferences name="WCM_LISTENS_TO" update="set"> <value><! [CDATA [WCM_LINKING_OTHER]]></value> </preferences> </portletinstance> </component> </component> </component>Migration note: After v6.1.5, the format used by to represent content mappings for a web content page has changed. Typically the migration process automatically converts all existing web content pages to the updated format. However, if you deploy additional web content pages on the v6.1.5 portal after migration and then import the pages to the v7.0 portal, manually run the action-migrate-content-mappings configuration task on the v7.0 portal to convert the new web content pages to the v7.0 format. To perform the conversion, run the following task from the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine:
- Windows™: ConfigEngine.bat action-migrate-content-mappings -DWasPassword=foo -DPortalAdminPwd=foo
- UNIX™: ./ action-migrate-content-mappings -DWasPassword=foo -DPortalAdminPwd=foo
- i: action-migrate-content-mappings -DWasPassword=foo -DPortalAdminPwd=foo
- z/OS : ./ action-migrate-content-mappings -DWasPassword=foo -DPortalAdminPwd=foo
Work with web content pages
December 14, 2011
Apr 1, 2011 1:26:17 PM