Create a presentation template
You use a presentation template define the layout of elements displayed on a web page, and to define the default properties of a web page such as the background and default font of a web page.To create a presentation template, go to Applications | Content | web Content Management and then click New | Presentation Template.
1. Enter presentation template identification details
Specify identification information for the presentation template, including the name, title and description of the presentation template.
2. Specify a location for the presentation template
When creating a presentation template you can specify the location of the presentation template.
3. Enter the HTML for the presentation template
You use HTML to define the layout of a presentation template in the same way you use HTML to define the layout of a web page.
4. Define presentation template properties
Specify properties for the presentation template, including the list of authors and owners associated with the presentation template.
5. Define the presentation template access settings
Specify the access control settings for the presentation template to determine which users have access to the presentation template and their level of access.
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December 14, 2011
Apr 1, 2011 1:26:17 PM