Change the page help
Customize the help page to reflect the content and information for organization.IBM WebSphere Portal provides help information for the site when users click the help link that is provided in the toolbar. Customize this help page to reflect the content and information for site. Help topics address the needs of the users. The default help page provides definitions for common terms, such as portlet and skin. Keep these definitions for users or provide own definitions.
Location of the help
The help link is located in the theme so that it is available on every page. The help link can exist in different locations on the page and can be located in different files, depending on the theme. Recent themes include the help link directly in Default.jsp or theme.html. Older themes include the help link in banner_toolbar.jspf.Find theme resources: See the Location of theme resources link below.
The help link in Page Builder is located in Default.jsp and is <a href='javascript:void(0);' onClick="javascript: return wptheme_showHelpWindow('${wpsDocURL}');"><portal-fmt:text key='' bundle='nls.engine'/></a>
To change the help link, edit the link in the JSPs that are provided for each theme that you use. The following example shows the default help link target:
href="<%= wpsDocURL %>/help/index.html"
Change the help window size
Code to resize the help window is located in banner.jspf (for themes that use the page builder template, the code to resize the help window is in js.jsp). By default, the help window width is set to 800 pixels and the height is set to 600 pixels. To change the window size...
- Locate the markup for the help link.
- In the corresponding anchor tag, look for the width=800,height=600 values in the method.
- Change these values to the required width and height values for the help window.
Related reference
December 14, 2011
Apr 1, 2011 1:26:17 PM