
Search Tips   |   Advanced Search

Search for items

Large Web sites will contain large numbers of items. You can search for items by using the search feature.

  1. To perform a basic search:

    1. Select an attribute to search for.

    2. Enter the text to search for. The search will look for exact matches to the keywords unless you specify a trailing asterisk ( * ) that acts as a wild card.

      For example, searching for 'Span*' will display search results that have a title, description or keywords that begin with the word 'Span' such as 'Spanish'. The asterisk character can also be used on its own, to specify that the search is for all items in the selected search form. Use the plus ( + ) and minus ( - ) symbols to specifically require a keyword's inclusion or exclusion in the search results. Searching for '+Span* -Fran*' with display results that begin with the word 'Span', but not the word 'Fran'.

      You can explicitly search for phrases by enclosing keywords in double-quotes ( " ). If you are searching a double-byte character set language enter at least two characters.

    3. Click Search.

    A basic search will only search for items in the current view:

    • If you open a single level view, only items in that view will be shown in the search results for the basic search.

      For example, if the "Presentation Templates" view is open, only presentation templates will be included in the search results, and if the "My items" view is open, only items authored by the user will be included in the search results.

    • If you open a multiple options view, only items displayed within this view will be shown in the search results for the basic search. For example, if the "My Items>Draft" view is open, only draft items authored by the current user will be included in the search results.

    • If you open a hierarchical view, only items in the hierarchy will be shown in the search results for the basic search.

      For example, if any item in the 'Content' view is open, Sites, Site Areas and Content in the same path will be included in the search results.

    If you would like to search for items in all views, select the 'All items' view, or use the advanced search.

  2. To perform an advanced search:

    1. Click Advanced Search.

    2. To search for items within a specific index, select Selected path in the Search in drop down list and then click Select Path to specify the path.

    3. To search for items in all libraries, select All libraries in the Search in drop down list. To search for items within a specific library, select Selected Library in the Search in drop down list and then select a library.

    4. Select the item types to search for.

    5. Select to search either published, draft or deleted items.

    6. Select an attribute to search for. You can choose to search an item's description, title, keywords or all of these.

    7. Select to either search for all words, any words, an exact phrase or none.

    8. Enter the text to search for. The search will look for exact matches to the keywords unless you specify a trailing asterisk ( * ) that acts as a wild card.

      For example, searching for 'Span*' will display search results that have a title, description or keywords that begin with the word 'Span' such as 'Spanish'. The asterisk character can also be used on its own, to specify that the search is for all items in the selected search form. Use the plus ( + ) and minus ( - ) symbols to specifically require a keyword's inclusion or exclusion in the search results. Searching for '+Span* -Fran*' with display results that begin with the word 'Span', but not the word 'Fran'.

      You can explicitly search for phrases by enclosing keywords in double-quotes ( " ). If you are searching a double-byte character set language enter at least two characters.

    9. Click Add an entry to add further search queries.

    10. Select options to filter the search with as required. You can filter search results based on:

      • Click Add an entry to add a filter option. You can filter a search by:

        • The authors, owners, readers or editors of items returned in a search result.

        • When an item was created, published, expired or last modified.

        • The authoring template, category, workflow or workflow stage used by items returned in a search result.

      • Click Add an entry to add further filter options.

    11. Click Search.

Search indexes

Search indexes are updated periodically.

This means newly created items will not appear in search results until the search index has updated.

Parent topic:

Use the authoring portlet