Reserved authoring portlet
Some JSR 286 Web Content Viewer and Web content page authoring tasks are performed using a special instance of the authoring portlet hidden from the page navigation available to typical users.
The following tasks use the reserved authoring portlet:
- Selecting a Web content folder when creating or editing the properties of a Web content page.
- Configuring the JSR 286 Web Content Viewer, such as selecting the content item to display.
- Performing inline editing using authoring tools components rendered in the JSR 286 Web Content Viewer.
Typically authoring tasks are performed in a separate window that opens from the current page, but you can configure the behavior of authoring tools components to redirect users to the hidden page containing the reserved authoring portlet.
Ensuring the availability of the reserved authoring portlet
If either the authoring portlet instance or the hidden portal page are not available or if the user lacks the permission to access either of them, the authoring tasks requiring the reserved authoring portlet will fail, causing Web content pages and the JSR 286 Web Content Viewer to be unusable. For this reason, be careful when administering the reserved authoring portlet and the hidden portal page.
The following conditions are essential for the proper function of the reserved authoring portlet:
- Users performing any of the authoring tasks described above must have the User role on the hidden portal page.
- Users performing any of the authoring tasks described above must have the User role on the reserved authoring portlet.
- The reserved authoring portlet must be the only portlet located on the hidden portal page.
- The unique name of the hidden portal page must be
- The unique name of the portlet window of the authoring portlet instance on the hidden portal page must be
Availability problems related to the reserved authoring portlet or the hidden portal page are usually identified by the following symptoms:
- The SystemOut.log file for the portal server contains error messages referencing the authoring portlet or hidden page.
For example:
- EJPDB0124E: The specified string [] can neither be deserialized as an object ID nor resolved as a unique name.
- EJPDB0124E: The specified string [] can neither be deserialized as an object ID nor resolved as a unique name.
- When a separate window is launched from the current page to perform the authoring task, the new window displays the following message:
Error 400: EJPPH0006E: The resolution of a URI failed. Refer to the stack trace for more detailed information.
- When a separate window is launched from the current page to perform the authoring task, the new window is empty.
- When the user is redirected to another portal page to perform the authoring task, the user is redirected to the default portal page instead of the page containing the reserved portlet.
- When the user is redirected to another portal page to perform the authoring task, the user is redirected to an empty page.
If any of these problems occur, verify that the conditions for proper operation of the reserved authoring portlet and hidden portlet page are fully implemented.
If the reserved authoring portlet or the hidden portlet page are removed inadvertently, you can deploy them again using the action-install-wcm-hidden-authoring configuration task.
Parent topic:
Work with authoring tools components in the JSR 286 Web Content Viewer
Related concepts
Controlling the behavior of authoring tools components