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Profiling settings

The Profile section contains profiling settings for the JSR 286 Web Content Viewer, specifying categories, site areas, and authoring templates that can be used as menu search options.

You can profile the Web Content Viewer by selecting categories, site areas, and authoring templates. A menu can use this profile to display a list of content items that are profiled with the same categories, site areas, or authoring templates.


Add or remove categories to profile content rendered with the Web Content Viewer.

Site Areas

Add or remove site areas to profile content rendered with the Web Content Viewer.

Authoring Templates

Add or remove authoring templates to profile content rendered with the Web Content Viewer.

Locked settings

If a lock icon is displayed for setting instead of an Edit link, the setting has been locked using the Configure mode and cannot be changed using Edit Shared Settings.

Configuration by ID versus path

Though this dialog shows the title paths of the configured items, most items are actual configured with their unique ID. This has the advantage that the configuration does not break if an item is renamed or moved. But if the XMLAccess scripting interface is used to configure the portlet, it is possible to alternatively configure the items with their content path. This removes the burden from the XMLAccess user to find out the unique ID of an item. But if an item is renamed or moved, this kind of configuration breaks. To make the user aware of an item that is configured with its content path, a path icon (

) is displayed after the title path. When using the Edit Shared Settings or Configure mode, to reconfigure an item that has been configured by Path before, the new item is configured by Path as well. Only if the Clear button is pressed before selecting a new item, the path icon disappears and the newly chosen item is configured with its unique ID.

Parent topic:

Set up a local Web Content Viewer