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Portlet settings

The Portlet Settings section defines additional settings for the JSR 286 Web Content Viewer, such as the title of the portlet to display or whether the markup of the Web Content Viewer should be cached in the portlet fragment cache.

Portlet Display Title

Set the portlet title that is displayed for the Web Content Viewer as part of the portlet window for this instance of the portlet.

Portlet Cache Options

You can define whether the output of the Web Content Viewer is cached in the portlet fragment cache. The cache scope determines where the content will be cached. There are two types of caching:

Shared cache across users

This type of cache provides the biggest performance improvement as it caches the output of the portlet across users. Use this cache scope only for Web Content Viewers that render Web content that is not personalized.

Non-shared cache for a single user

This type of cache provides a smaller performance improvement but enables caching of personalized Web content that is displayed by the Web Content Viewer.

The cache expiration time determines how long the page is stored in a portlet fragment cache. There are three settings for cache expiration:

Cache always expires

Content is never cached in either a shared or a private portlet cache.

Cache never expires

Content can be stored indefinitely in either a shared or a private portlet cache.

Cache expires after this many seconds

Content is stored for the number of seconds specified in either a shared or a private portlet cache.

To cache the markup output of the Web Content Viewer, the portlet fragment cache must be enabled. The WebSphere Portal information center contains more information about the caching of portlet output and explains how to enable the portlet fragment cache.

Locked settings

If a lock icon is displayed for setting instead of an Edit link, the setting has been locked using the Configure mode and cannot be changed using Edit Shared Settings.

Parent topic:

Set up a local Web Content Viewer