Manage items in a workflow
When working with items that are participating in workflow, understand how items progress through a workflow, and the different status types of items participating in a workflow.
- Workflows, stages and actions
To create a workflow, understand the roles of workflow actions, workflow stages and workflows.
- Use workflows
When using a workflow, understand how to access, edit, approve and decline items.
- Workflow status
There are three status levels during a workflow; Draft, Published or Expired. Only published documents are available on the rendered site. This status is not linked to any stage, but is determined by actions. For example, a Publish action will change the status of a document from Draft to Published.
- Joint approval
Joint approval is used in cases where approval from multiple users is required before moving the document to the next stage.
- Workflow example
This example describes the steps required to create a four stage Workflow.
Parent topic:
Item management features
Related tasks
Creating a publish action
Creating an expire action
Creating an e-mail action
Creating a custom action
Creating a version action
Creating a scheduled move action
Creating a workflow stage
Creating a workflow