Manage items
You can use features, such as version control and workflows, to manage the items used to develop Web content.
- Work with authoring templates
Before creating content items, create a set of authoring templates. Use authoring templates to simplify the content creation process by providing default field values for content creators and hiding fields where possible.
- Develop a taxonomy
You will need to develop one or more taxonomies to profile content items.
- Copy and moving items
These topics describe how to copy and move Web content items.
- Copy other items to a different library
Use the Copy button to copy an item from one library to another.
- Move other items between libraries
Use the Move button to move an item between libraries.
- Restoring an item
You can then view, restore, delete, preview and label different versions of an item.
- Edit user profiles
You can add profile information to Member Manager users.
- Batch-editing access controls
An administrator can apply access control settings for multiple items.
Parent topic:
Use the authoring portlet