Add a rich text element to a template
You add a rich text element to an authoring template when you want...
- A section of HTML to be used by a set of content items that use the same authoring template
- Your content authors to use a rich text editor to create and edit the HTML
- Open or create an authoring template.
- Click...
Manage Elements- Select rich text as the element type.
- Enter a name.
Do not use double-byte and non-ASCII characters.
- Enter a display title to use as the title of the element displayed in indexes and forms.
- Click OK.
The rich text element is added to your form.
- Go to the Default Content tab.
- Go to the rich text element you added.
- Enter text in the rich text field, or do nothing if you want your content creators to enter text in the rich text field.
- Click
to open the display properties of the element.
This is where you define how the element will be displayed on the content item form.
- To display the element as a required field select...
Identify this as a required field- To hide a field on the content form from all users select...
Hide fieldYou must specify a default value if the field is a required field.
Administrators and managers can choose to display hidden fields and elements in a content item by clicking...
Show hidden fields
- Type the number of pixels to use in Field Width to set the size of the displayed field.
If you leave this blank, the default field size will be used.
- Type a number into the maximum or minimum characters or words fields to set limits on the number of characters or words a user can enter in a field.
- You can edit the default behavior of rich text elements.
- Use stylesheet, hide fonts/size/color
- Select this option if you want the text style to be determined by a style sheet. Content creators will not be able to edit text properties such as fonts style, text size and text color.
- Limit image picker to library images
- Select this to prevent content creators from inserting images from the file system. They will only be able to select images stored as image components.
- Disable source mode
- Select this to prevent content creators from viewing the rich text editor in source mode.
- Filter active content on save
- Select this to prevent users from saving active content, such as scripts, in the rich text element.
- Select the users or groups you want to grant edit access to a field or element by clicking...
Select Editors
- Select the users or groups you want to grant view access to a field or element by clicking...
Select Viewers
- Type field specific help into Field help text.
This displays above the element in the content form.
- You can also select to use either the default rich text editor of the authoring portlet, or a third-party rich text editor as the rich text editor for a rich text element:
- Portlet default editor
- If selected, this will use the default rich text editor of the current authoring portlet. If the default editor is not available, the standard rich text editor will be used.
- Custom
Select Custom allows you to use a 3rd-party rich text editor as your default editor. Before using a compatible third-party rich text editor, you should read the installation and configuration instructions of the third-party rich text editor. These should include instructions for enabling the third-party rich text editor to be used in a Web Content Management solution.
When configuring a third-party rich text editor, copy a JSP file supplied by the third-party rich text editor. This will be used to launch the third-party rich text editor. You enter the name of this JSP file in the Rich Text Options section of the authoring portlet configuration.
If the third-party rich text editor is not available, the default rich text editor of the authoring portlet will be used. If the default editor is not available, the standard rich text editor will be used.
Storing JSP Files
JSP files can be located:
- within the PROFILE_HOME/installedApps/node-name/wcm.ear/ilwwcm.war directory of your server.
The JSP page is also stored in the client war directory of the local rendering portlet or of the servlet or portlet that calls the JSP, if using the Web Content Management API. For example, to render a JSP page on a local rendering portlet, you would also need to store a copy of the JSP file under PROFILE_HOME/installedApps/node-name/PA_WCMLocalRendering.ear/ilwwcm-localrende.war
- within any other Web application running on portal. When referencing JSP files in another Web application, use the following path: contextPath;jspPath
For example: /wps/customapplication;/jsp/editor.jsp
- Save the authoring template.
Parent topic:
Use a rich text element