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Add a number element to an item

You add a number element to a site area or content item when you want a numerical value to be used for a specific site, site area or content item.

You can only add an element to a content item if the manage elements button has been enabled in the authoring template used by the content item.

  1. Open or create a site, site area or content item.

  2. Click Manage Elements .

  3. Select Number as the element type.

  4. Enter a name. Do not use double-byte and non-ASCII characters.

  5. Enter a display title to use as the title of the element displayed indexes and forms.

  6. Click OK. The number element is added to your form.

  7. Go to the number element you created. Enter a numerical value. The maximum number of digits that can be entered into a number element is 16.

  8. Save the item form.

Parent topic:

Use a number element