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Add a federated content element to a template

You add a federated content element to an authoring template when you want the federated content to be used by a set of content items that use the same authoring template.

  1. Open or create an authoring template.

  2. Click Manage Elements .

  3. Select Federated Content as the element type.

  4. Enter a name. Do not use double-byte and non-ASCII characters.

  5. Enter a display title to use as the title of the element displayed indexes and forms.

  6. Click Add. The federated content element is added to your form.

  7. Go to the Default Content Settings tab.

  8. Go to the federated content element you created. Either select a federated content item to reference, or do nothing if you want your content creators to select a federated content item:

    1. Click Select Reference to search for federated content:

      • Click Search Template to select an existing search template.

      • Click Full Text Search to search full-text search enabled federated entities.

      The current user's credentials must have appropriate access privileges in IBM Information Integrator for Content to perform searches, select references, and view content to successfully create a federated content component.

    2. Click Clear Reference to clear the currently selected federated content from this element.

    3. Click Lock Version to lock the current reference to the selected federated content. If you update the original federated content, the federated content element will not use the updated version, but will use the "locked" version.

    4. Click Unlock to unlock the current version of the federated content reference. If unlocked, each time the federated content component is rendered, the current version is retrieved form the federated data source.

    5. Click Refresh Version to update the locked federated content reference. The status of the federated content element is still considered as locked.

    6. Click Preview Content to preview the selected federated resource as it would appear when rendered in the rendered site based on the access rights of the current user.

    7. Click View Attributes to view the current attributes of the selected federated content.

    8. Enter the user-name and password required to access the federated content source.

  9. Click

    to open the display properties of the element. This is where you define how the element will be displayed on the content item form.

    1. To display the element as a required field select Identify this as a required field.

    2. To hide a field on the content form from all users select Hide field. You must specify a default value if the field is a required field.

      Administrators and managers can choose to display hidden fields and elements in a content item by clicking Show hidden fields.

    3. Select the users or groups you want to grant edit access to a field or element by clicking Select Editors.

    4. Select the users or groups you want to grant view access to a field or element by clicking Select Viewers.

    5. Type field specific help into Field help text.

      This displays above the element in the content form.

  10. Save the authoring template.

Parent topic:

Use a federated content element