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Configure LikeMinds

Use a suitable database modification tool or edit the likemindsdb.properties file to configure your LikeMinds server installation. Set the following general lps_cfg parameter information for the LikeMinds server installation:

LikeMinds stores its configuration information in the lps_cfg table of its database, which is initialized with the data in profile_root/pzn/config/runtime/likemindsdb.properties. To update this configuration, you can update this file and reload the configuration data, or you can use any database modification tool, such as SQL*Plus, if you use Oracle to modify the LikeMinds configuration parameters. To update configuration values, perform these steps:

  1. Stop the WebSphere Portal server.

  2. Either:

    • Edit the likemindsdb.properties file manually and run the following ANT configuration task: ConfigEngine.{bat|sh} likeminds-load-config -DWasPassword=password

    • or, use the DB modification tool to update the configuration directly.

  3. Start the WebSphere Portal server.

Parent topic:

An introduction to LikeMinds