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A simple development environment can rely on the out-of-box database configuration using Apache Derby. Installing with Derby Java database lets you quickly get WebSphere Portal installed and running in a proof-of-concept environment. For a production environment, WebSphere Portal supports IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Server Edition.

In a complex and high-demand environment, data may be distributed across multiple database servers for high-volume storage and failover configuration. The version of Derby provided with WebSphere Portal has stress and failover limitations that are expected to be resolved in later releases.

Derby is a built-in Java database that provides a small footprint, is self tuning, and is ideal for solutions where the database must be hidden.

Derby does not support...

Use one of the other supported databases in a production environment or when authoring Web content because they are better able to handle large amounts of data and can be tuned for performance.

Perform the database transfer before you use the portal extensively. Large amounts of data in the databases can cause the database transfer to fail if your Java heap size is not large enough. Because information is added to the databases as you use the portal, perform database transfer as soon as you realize that a high volume of data needs to be stored and failover is necessary. Transferring the database sooner rather than later avoids the problems typically caused by transferring a high volume of data at a later stage to the other supported databases, including not having adequate Java heap size.

Data can be transferred from a Derby database, but cannot be transferred to a Derby database. If you are transferring from a database other than the default database, edit the and files to update the source and target database information.

Portlet Not Available

If you have performed database transfer in a clustered environment, explicitly copy...

...from the primary node on which the database-transfer task was processed to all secondary nodes. This ensures that the secondary nodes have the new JCR database values specified in the file.

  1. Stop the portal server on the secondary node.

  2. Copy...


    ...from the primary node and replace the file on the secondary node with the new file from the primary node.

  3. Start the portal server on the secondary node.


  1. Database topologies
  2. Shared database domains
  3. Database compatibility
  4. Plan for DB2 on Windows
  5. Plan for DB2 on UNIX or Linux
  6. Plan for DB2 for i5/OS
  7. Plan for DB2 for z/OS
  8. Plan for Oracle
  9. Plan for Oracle RAC
  10. Plan for SQL Server 2005

Parent topic:

Plan for WebSphere Portal