Use the information center
View information on using the information center including navigating, searching and printing.
- Accessibility and keyboard shortcuts in the information center
Accessibility features help users with physical disabilities, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully.
- Navigating
The information center provides a graphical user interface for browsing product documentation.
- Search
Formulate your queries and restrict your search to a given scope to help improve your search results.
- Printing
Print a single topic, using either the print function of your Web browser, the Open Quick Menu option, or the print function of the information center. To print multiple topics, use the Open Quick Menu option or locate the PDF versions of the documentation in the information center.
- View information in different languages
Configure your Web browser to view the information center in another language.
- Prerequisite software for the information center
Know the software to be installed on your computer for using the information center.