Documentation resources
The starting point for documentation is the information center. However, there are many sites and resources available to you when working with WebSphere Portal. Knowing where to look for information can save you time and money. Learn more about primary and secondary resources for WebSphere Portal and Lotus Web Content Management documentation and supplemental content.
There are three primary sources for content the WebSphere Portal Information Center, the WebSphere Portal Family wiki, and WebSphere Portal Support site.
Each content source links to the other sources to help you navigate between the resources. Each content source has a specific objective and is intended to be used with the other sources.
The information center is developed to help you take advantage of features based on expected usage patterns and use cases. The wiki content is developed by the community, both inside and outside of IBM, with the intent of sharing experiences with the product and based on actual usage patterns and use cases. The Support content is developed by IBM Support to help you avoid and diagnose issues with the intent of being as responsive as possible.
Information center
The information center includes:
- Overview of the product with new feature highlights, product features, and accessibility
- Planning information for deployment
- Installation instructions targeted to single server for proof-of-concepts or development servers, stand-alone production, and clustered production environments
- Configuration options that are typically done once, or infrequently, and have global affect on the portal
- Administration tasks for day to day usage
- Integration instructions
- Development information to help you develop portlets and composite applications
- Troubleshooting information with logging and tracing information
- Messages to help you diagnose and troubleshoot issues
Key points to remember about the information center:
- It is refreshed periodically based on field feedback
- You can provide feedback directly from each page
- There is one information center for each of the following offering, WebSphere Portal Enable and Extend, WebSphere Portal Express, WebSphere Portal Enable for z/OS
- It includes links to the Support site technotes database to retrieve the latest technotes for this release
WebSphere Portal Wiki
The wiki includes:
- Supplemental guides, such as the Performance and Tuning Guide
- Best Practices
- IBM Redbooks
- Deployment scenarios
- Multimedia offerings, such as task-based demonstrations
- Reference cards
Key points to remember about the wiki:
- The content is experience driven
- You can add comments and articles
- The wiki is monitored by IBM
- You can subscribe to RSS feeds for new articles, comments, and recent edits.
WebSphere Portal Support page
The Support page includes:
- Technotes written in response to issues with the product or the documentation
- Fix pack downloads including instructions for applying fixes
- Troubleshooting information
- Flashes for high priority issues
Key points to remember about the Support page:
- You can subscribe to the RSS feeds of recent Support content
- You can download tools, such as the IBM Support Assistance
Parent topic:
Product overview
Related information
WebSphere Portal Family wiki
WebSphere Portal Support