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Remove attributes from a property extension database - AIX


You can remove the attributes from the database. After removing attribute, run wp-add-la-property

Remove an attribute from property extension database

Do not remove attributes that have already been populated with user values because this can cause database inconsistencies. Cluster note:

In a clustered environment, perform the following steps on the deployment manager and then resynch the nodes.

  1. Open the tool you use to edit your database.

  2. Verify that your attribute name is available in the LAPROP table.

  3. Delete the required attributes from the LAPROP table.

  4. Open wimxmlextension.xml, located in the profile_root/config/cells/cellname/wim/model directory.

  5. Locate and delete the propertySchema definition for the attributes that you deleted from the LAPROP table; for example:

        <wim:propertySchema nsURI="http://www.ibm.com/websphere/wim" dataType="String"
            multiValued="true" propertyName="attribute_name">

  6. Save changes to wimxmlextension.xml.

  7. Open the wimconfig.xml file, located in the profile_root/config/cells/cellname/wim/config directory.

  8. Locate and delete the propertiesNotSupported definitions for the attributes that you deleted from the LAPROP table; for example:

    <config:propertiesNotSupported name="attribute_name">

  9. Save changes to the wimconfig.xml file.

  10. Cycle the server1 and WebSphere_Portal servers from the profile_root/bin directory.

Parent topic:

Configure a property extension database on AIX