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Add attributes - i5/OS

To ensure proper communication between WebSphere Portal and your LDAP server, you may need to add new attributes to your configuration so that you can map the attributes between WebSphere Portal and the user registry.


Query defined attributes on i5/OS

Add new attributes to the user registry

  1. Install the .ear file for adding properties...

    Option Description
    Standalone cd profile_root/ConfigEngine
    ConfigEngine.sh wp-la-install-ear -DWasPassword=password
    Cluster From the primary node...

      cd profile_root/ConfigEngine
      ConfigEngine.sh wp-la-install-ear -DWasPassword=dmgr_password -DServerName=dmgr_server_name -DNodeName=node_name

    To look up the dmgr name, from the admin console...

      System administrator | Deployment Manager | Configuration tab | General Properties | Name

    To look up the node name...

      System administrator | Deployment Manager | Runtime tab | General Properties | Node Name

  2. Propagate the security changes:

    Option Description
    Standalone cd profile_root/bin
    stopServer server1 -username admin_userid -password admin_password
    stopServer WebSphere_Portal -username admin_userid -password admin_password
    startServer server1
    startServer WebSphere_Portal
    Cluster cd DMGR_PROFILE/bin
    stopManager-username admin_userid -password admin_password
    cd profile_root/bin
    stopNode -username admin_userid -password admin_password
    cd profile_root/bin
    stopServer WebSphere_Portal -username admin_userid -password admin_password
    cd DMGR_PROFILE/bin
    cd profile_root/bin
    startServer WebSphere_Portal

  3. Edit...


  4. Enter a value for the following parameters under the VMM Property Extension Properties heading:

  5. Save changes to wkplc.properties.

  6. Run...

      ConfigEngine.sh wp-add-property -DWasPassword=password

    ...to add the attribute to the user registry.

    This task performs an EJB call to WAS, which must authenticate against WAS. Depending on the configuration in sas.client.props, you may receive a popup window or a command line prompt asking for user identity and password. Enter the WAS user ID and password.

    If you have multiple properties to add, repeat all steps, except for the wp-la-install-ear task, until all new attributes are added.

  7. Propagate the security changes:

    Option Description

    1. stopServer server1 -username admin_userid -password admin_password



    2. stopServer WebSphere_Portal -username admin_userid -password admin_password



    3. startServer server1



    4. startServer WebSphere_Portal




    1. stopManager-username admin_userid -password admin_password, from the DMGR_PROFILE/bin

    2. stopNode -username admin_userid -password admin_password from the profile_root/bin directory

    3. stopServer WebSphere_Portal -username admin_userid -password admin_password



    4. startManager, from the DMGR_PROFILE/bin

    5. startNode



    6. startServer WebSphere_Portal



Parent topic:

Adapting the attribute configuration

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Query defined attributes on i5/OS

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Map attributes