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Adapt the attribute configuration on Linux

After installing WebSphere Portal and configuring LDAP user registries, adapt the attribute configuration to match the configured LDAP server(s).

After installation, WebSphere Portal has a predefined set of attributes for users and groups. Your LDAP server may have a different set of predefined user and group attributes. You can configure additional attributes and flag existing attributes as required or unsupported on a per repository basis.

LDAP servers can only handle attributes that are explicitly defined in their schema. The LDAP server's schema is different from the WebSphere Portal schema but the two schemas should match for proper communication between WebSphere Portal and the LDAP server. The task to add the LDAP user registry does some basic attribute configurations depending on the type of LDAP server that you choose. You may, however, still need to adapt the WebSphere Portal configuration to match the LDAP schema.

If an attribute is defined in WebSphere Portal but not in the LDAP server, perform one of the following tasks to resolve this mismatch

Adapt the attribute configuration to match the configured LDAP server(s)

  1. Query the defined attributes on Linux
  2. Add attributes
  3. Map attributes
  4. Remove attributes

Parent topic:

Configure WebSphere Portal to use a user registry on Linux

Previous topic:

Choose the user registry model on Linux

Related tasks

Add an LDAP user registry on Linux
Add an LDAP user registry over SSL on Linux
Configure a stand-alone LDAP user registry on Linux
Configure a stand-alone LDAP user registry over SSL on Linux