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# Copyright IBM Corp. 2009  All Rights Reserved.                    
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## VMM Federated repository properties - wp-modify-federated-security
## Federated repository will be enabled.
## The existing default realm will be renamed.

# The ID of the WAS admin user. The ID must exist in a user repository.
# See LDAP examples below:
# IBM Directory Server: { uid=<portaladminid>,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com }
# Domino:               { cn=<portaladminid>,o=yourco.com }
# Active Directory:     { cn=<portaladminid>,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com }
# SunOne:        { uid=<portaladminid>,ou=people,o=yourco.com }
# Novell eDirectory     { uid=<portaladminid>,ou=people,o=yourco.com }

# The realm name to be used. The existing default realm will be renamed.

# Specifies a user ID and password in the repository that is used for internal process communication.
# See LDAP examples below:
# IBM Directory Server: { uid=<serveruserid>,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com }
# Domino:               { cn=<serveruserid>,o=yourco.com }
# Active Directory:     { cn=<serveruserid>,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com }
# Active Directory AM:  { cn=<serveruserid>,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com }
# SunOne:        { uid=<serveruserid>,ou=people,o=yourco.com }
# Novell eDirectory     { uid=<serveruserid>,ou=people,o=yourco.com }
federated.serverId=uid=<serveruserid>,ou=people,o=yourco.com federated.serverPassword=

##     Advanced Properties

# The registry class name.

# Whether the query matches case sensitivity.
# If this is set to false WAS Security will compare DN's case sensitive

## End - VMM Federated repository properties