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## VMM Property Extension Properties
## Database modification tasks of Virtual Member Manager need a connection to a running server 
## instance. Please check your Server is running prior to executing these tasks
## wp-configure-la-complete
## wp-add-la-property
### Name of jdbc provider to be used
### keep federated.db.JdbcProviderName in sync for the same db type
### la.JdbcProviderName and federated.db.JdbcProviderName must be different for different db types


### The type of database to be used for VMM lookaside db domain
### for information about suported values please check wkplc_comp.properties


### The VMM lookaside DB domain database URL
### for information about suported values please check wkplc_comp.properties


### The name of the VMM lookaside database
### Note: This value should also appear as the database element in DbUrl. Please verify that you point to the same DB
### Note: Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. This value is the TCPIP
### Alias for the database.

### The name of datasource to be used for 
### VMM Federated DB domain

### The database administrator user ID

### The database administrator password

##     Advanced Properties

### DbSchema: The VMM lookaside DB domain database schema name
###           Follow the documentation of the target database management system
###           in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for
###           some database management systems.

### **Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only**
### DbNameOnZos: 
### If running
db2_zos as remote database, the name of the remote 
### VMM lookaside database.
### If portal is running on z/OS with
db2_zos, must be set equal to DbName.

### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only**
### **Required only for local DB2 database using Type 2 JDBC driver
### XDbName: The VMM lookaside database alias that needs to be set if you want to call
### create-database

### **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only**
### DbNode: This value is the node for the VMM lookaside domain
### database and needs to be set if you want to call create-database

### **Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only**
### DbStorageGroup: The storage group for the VMM lookaside database
### jcr wcm
### **Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only**
### DbVolumes: The volumes for the VMM lookaside database
### **Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only**
### DbVcat: The VCAT for the VMM lookaside database
### **Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only**
### Db4KBufferPoolName: The 4K bufferpool name for the VMM lookaside database
### **Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only**
### Db32KBufferPoolName: The 32K bufferpool name for the VMM lookaside database

### Create LA tables
### Specifies whether to report SQL errors while setting up databases.

### Configure LA repository
### Specifies the maximum number of entities that the system can retrieve from the DB with a single database query.

### Add property
### The following properties are used by wp-add-la-property and wp-add-property 
### wp-add-(la-)property does use a secured connection to WebSphere
### please visit wp_profile/properties/sas.client.props and ensure the following settings
### com.ibm.CORBA.securityEnabled=true
### please set com.ibm.CORBA.loginSource to stdin or prpreties if you are using a remote telnet connection

### Provider URL
### This defines the remote endpoint where the portal server installation is available
### please check the value for localhost:port The port should point to the bootstrap Port of WebSphere_Portal

### Name of the property to be added.

### A list of entity types, the new property is applicable to
### Can be one of the following:
###  PersonAccount 
###  Group 
###  PersonAccount,Group

### Data type. 

For example String. la.dataType= ### Defines if the property can contain multiple attributes or not. true or false la.multiValued= ### For wp-add-property only: list of repositories, the new property will be added to ### leave blank if you want to add the property to all repsitories ### note: Adding a property to VMM config of a repository does not add it to the backend system (e.g. LDAP) repositoryId= ### ### End VMM Property Extension Properties ###