Set metadata
Set metadata on all modifiable instances that implement the ModifiableMetaDataProvider interface.
To set metadata for a resource...
- Obtain a modifiable instance of the resource for which you want to set metadata.
- Check whether the resource implements the ModifiableMetaDataProvider interface. To do this, use the operator instanceof. If the resource does not implement the ModifiableMetaDataProvider interface, you cannot modify it.
- Obtain a modifiable instance of the metadata of the resource.
- Set the metadata by using the appropriate methods. For example, if you want to set metadata, use the setValue method.
Example - Setting metadata for a resource:
// obtain modifiable instance of a model node final Modifiable modifiable = controller.getModifiableNode(node); // check if the resource implements ModifiableMetaDataProvider interface if (modifiable instanceof ModifiableMetaDataProvider) { // obtain modifiable intance of the resource's meta data final ModifiableMetaData modifiableMetaData = ((ModifiableMetaDataProvider) modifiable).getModifiableMetaData(); // set meta data modifiableMetaData.setValue("MyKey", "MyValue");}
Parent topic:
Modifying properties
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