Packages of the Controller SPI
The portal provides the SPI Controller in several separate packages. These packages are as follows:
- This package holds the following interfaces:
- Base interfaces for the Controller SPI, for example Modifiable and Controller.
- Modifiable interfaces, such as ModifiableActiveFlag, ModifiableLocalized, ModifiableMetaData.
- This package holds modifiable interfaces, for example the ModifiableMarkupCapable and the LanguageListController.
- This package holds the following interfaces:
- Interfaces for content and layout model controller modifiable interfaces for content and layout nodes.
For example, these can be ModifiableContentPage or ModifiableLayoutContainer.
- Modifiable interfaces for modifiable aspects of content and layout nodes, for example ModifiableBookmarkableFlag
- Creation contexts for creating content pages and layout nodes, for example LayoutContainerCreationContext.
- This package holds home and provider interfaces to obtain controllers, including a builder factory for CreationContext instances.
- This package holds controller specific exceptions.
- This package holds the following interfaces:
- Interfaces for the portlet model controller.
- Modifiable interfaces for portlet definitions, entities and preferences, for example ModifiablePortletPreferences and ModifiablePortletEntity.
- Portlet creation and cloning context interfaces.
A controller interface usually resides in the same package as its corresponding read-only Model SPI interface.
Parent topic:
Controller SPI
Related concepts
Terminology for the Controller SPI
Hints and tips for using the Controller SPI
Related tasks
Work with controllers
Making modifications by using the Controller SPI
Confirming modifications